Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Hardest thing: to let go
Easiest thing: to lie
I hate: easy things

Most important: friendship
Least important: petty personal ego

Most beautiful: a friendly face in the dark
Most ugly: darkness engulfing that friendly face

Attraction: is real
Love: isn’t, but is true

Family: tells who you are
Friends: make who you are

Saying sorry: won’t vindicate you
Feeling sorry: would

Mind: can play tricks on heart
Heart: can do no such thing

Crying: helps
Lamenting: doesn’t

Past: can’t come to future
Future: can’t come to past
Present: meets both

Loneliness: is just a state of mind

God: doesn’t exist
Existence: defines God

Words: can be taken back
One: has to be humble enough