Sunday, November 30, 2008

i wonder: things i learnt in recent years

* sometimes one has to sack one's feelings just for the sake of friendship :) ... such a special and great thing friendship is
* desire but don't expect
* one doesn't get everything in life, but one should know that one can do wonders with what is already there in one's life
* friends are not forever, but friendship is !
* peace of mind will not get the target, but achieving the target would certainly bring peace to the mind
* always remember that after a long night, there's always a bright sunshine waiting for you, just be patient :)
* grab the opportunity when it comes, because if you wont someone else will !
* life without challenges and failure does not exist, always accept your defeat with humility
* terrorism sucks, discrimination sucks more
* the most difficult job is of a joker/humorist, he/she will always show you a smiling face even his/her heart is crying
* a smile is one thing one can always afford to give others for free
* do not worry how others are going to grade you, just do your job, someone is always watching and admiring you
* family always comes first, do whatever, say whatever, you can't escape your roots
* a good listener is needed by everyone, so find at least one friend who understands you when you speak your heart
* don't show your anger to everyone, because they will not understand
* life is always empty, it will take a life time and you wont be able to fill it up, so don't try to fill it up, because if you do, there will be nothing left for you to do :)
* man made religion to feel secure and be united, there's one more thing that can serve the purpose and that is understanding and compassion
* past will expose your scars, embrace yourself and live in present to brighten the future


Matka/HTML said...

abe is this copy paste or your original thoughts?? [:D] asking because you place a disclaimer on copyrights below every post!!! [:p]

Matka/HTML said...
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Matka/HTML said...

this one is awesome dude.. [:)]

doggie singh always says this line in his own words....

life is always empty, it will take a life time and you wont be able to fill it up, so don't try to fill it up, because if you do, there will be nothing left for you to do :)

हितेंद्र टोलिया said...

thankx matka ... i see you are still as sharp as you were back then :)

Cheeku said...

very true thoughts ..!!! :-)