Monday, June 1, 2009

Faces in the Dark

there are faces in the dark
they light up my heart with a spark

its so dark, its so lonely says my heart
i hope there comes a light
i hope to see the light

i feel like reaching up the space
to eat the sun for its light and grace
then i will ask my heart, "is that enough for you dear?"
for its clear
that no light can light up my heart but you
but i cant find you as i have no clue

past gives a beacon to future
about the oncoming torture
of the life i have spent
and what all will i repent
but not to worry, my heart says
for there are many meadows to graze

i believe my time will come
yes it will come
for i believe in believing my heart
for i have become smart
to smell the fragrance in the air
which reminds me of you there

there are faces in the dark
they light up my heart with a spark

its so dark, its so lonely says my heart
then there comes a light
there comes the light


Unknown said...

The feelings are good, but you need to work on your poetry. Try Free Verse because its the feeling that is important and not just the rhyme. :) Nice effort though...

हितेंद्र टोलिया said...

hmmm ... but i only like poems with rhymes ... may be it really calls out tha kid in me

Unknown said...

Then try smaller and simpler words first... Dont try to juggle depth and rhyme :)